Saturday, 12 December 2009

Research on Thriller Sub-Genres

To decide on which sub-genre of thriller to make our film, it seemed fitting to research a few popular ones.
To look at the sub-genres of thrillers we must first look at what makes the broader thriller in general.
"A Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film and television that includes numerous and often overlapping sub-genres. Thrillers are characterized by fast pacing, frequent action, and resourceful heroes who must thwart the plans of more powerful and better equipped villains."
This is the wikipedia definition of a thriller. From my own knowledge I can also say that common thriller forms and conventions include a protagonist that the audience can associate with, a mystery for the protagonist and the audience to solve, and action sequences.
Popular Sub-Genres include:
-Action Thriller
-Conspiracy Thriller
-Crime Thriller
-Disaster Thriller
-Drama Thriller
-Science-Fiction Thriller
-Horror Thriller
-Legal Thriller
-Medical Thriller
-Political Thriller
-Psychological Thriller

Psychological thrillers are considered to be one of the smarter types of film, often playing on human instinct and psychology. They also often cross over into the horror sub-genre, creating suspense through fear. They often tend to have a focus on the development of characters over the plot, and so result in there being more about the psyche of characters rather than intense action.

Crime thrillers on the other hand usually have a focus on physical action rather than psychology. They often follow the criminal to give us an insight into their life, and allow us to follow their crime spree. Crime thrillers feature murders, robberies, chases, shootouts, and double-crosses as central topics.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Continuity Exercise

This is what we produced for our continuity exercise. I think for our first piece it worked quite well. We ran into difficulty getting permission to film in particular rooms that we wanted to, and some shots being difficult to get into position to get, but we managed to work around these problems by finding alternative locations, and ways into places for the camera to go.